The Blockchain in the financial and insurance sector
CIR Workshops Tuesday, February, 27, 2018 The Blockchain in the financial and insurance sector Video by Angel Metodiev IE Communications Department ...
CIR Workshops Tuesday, February, 27, 2018 The Blockchain in the financial and insurance sector Video by Angel Metodiev IE Communications Department ...
CIR Workshops Cyber Insurance & Cyber Security What kind of cyber risks do companies wants to transfer? What kind of cyber risks wants or can cover the insurance carrier? What kind of technicals and legals difficulties exists at the moment? All...
CIR Workshops El CIR analiza el impacto de la futura regulación de distribución de seguros Con motivo de la futura normativa sobre distribución de seguros privados, el CIR ha organizado un encuentro con abogados y responsables de compliance de entidades aseguradoras. El anteproyecto de...
CIR Workshops Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Presentación del Barómetro de la Confianza del Inversor Español 2017 El martes 30 de mayo de 2017, tuvo lugar el evento de presentación del Barómetro de la Confianza del Inversor Español 2017 elaborado por el Center for...
CIR Workshops It is necessary to provide the supervisor of more human and economic resources IE has analyzed the challenges and opportunities for the insurance sector arising from the new regulatory environment In the wake of the recent application of the Solvency...
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